Gender Confused Child? How to Choose the Best Therapist

Join our panel of therapists (with integrity) to discuss “Wouldn’t you rather have a living son than a dead daughter” and the other lies fed to parents of “gender-confused” children in this interactive, Q&A format webinar. Free access to the documentary, “No Way Back: The Reality of Gender-Affirming Care” will be provided upon registration in preparation for the discussion.

Resources for Parents
Affected by Gender Ideology

Click on the down arrow in each of the blocks below, then click on each   >>  link shown inside the toggles for more information.


Film (3 Versions)

NO WAY BACK: The Reality of Gender-Affirming Care

>>  Full Version – Access Code: 2mdpj6i727

>>  Doctors’ Cut (40m) – Password: @2022affirmation

>>  Highlight Reel (19m) – Password: @2022affirmation



>>  Trans
Helen Joyce

>>  Lost in Trans Nation: A Child Psychiatrist’s Guide Out of the Madness
Miriam Grossman, PhD

>>  When Kids Say They’re Trans

>>  Parents with Inconvenient Truths About Trans

>>  Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughter
Abigail Shrier

>>  Desist, Detrans & Detox: Getting Your Child Out of the Gender Cult
Maria Keffler
A practical guide for parents that also reveals the business, politics, special interests of a billion-dollar industry masquerading as “human rights movement” and recruiting vulnerable youth for an uncontrolled medical experiment.

>>  Never Split the Difference
Chris Voss

>>  The Righteous Mind: Why Good People Are Divided by Politics and Religion

>>  Some Therapist Bookshop


Essential Articles (free to read)

>>  Research Confirms Men with Older Brothers are More Likely to Be Gay

>>  Psychologists Are Not Legally Required to Affirm the Gender Identities of Their Parents

>>  Sweden pulls back on gender-affirming care
There is NO consensus among all doctors on how to treat gender identity disorders in the exploding new cohort of adolescents with zero childhood gender dysphoria.

>>  Independent review of gender identity services for children and young people

>>  France abolished transgender medicalization for minors as experimental and ineffective.

>>  Norway is backing away from surgeries for minors.

>>  Finland has backed away from youth gender medicine.

>>  Denmark has sharply restricted youth gender transitions.

>>  The Dutch Protocol for Juvenile Transsexuals: Origins and Evidence

>>  The Dutch Studies and The Myth of Reliable Research in Pediatric Gender Medicine

>>  Swedish research indicates significantly increased morbidity, mortality and 19 times higher suicidality in this cohort of sex re-assignees.

>>  Medically transitioning adolescents DOES NOT prevent suicide.

>>  Children’s mental health deteriorated significantly after social transition (retracted because not enough pro-transition parents participated).

>>  A Survey of 100 Detransitioners

>>  30% of patients on wrong-hormone therapy discontinued their hormones.

>>  Hormone Replacement Therapy Market Size to Surpass $ 28.6 Billion by 2028

>>  GM Insights projects the Sex reassignment surgery market in 2032 to be $1.9 BILLION.

>>  Find more peer-reviewed articles here.
What becomes apparent is that the transgender ideology is a vast recruitment of patients from vulnerable cohorts – autistic, ADHD, mentally ill, traumatized and Gay/Lesbian/Bisexual – to become lifelong CONSUMERS of the gender industry, tethered to the techno-medical complex.

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